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[Resensi Buku Korea] The Plotters Karya Un-su Kim

Judul Buku : The Plotters Penulis : Un-Su Kim Penerbit : Noura Books Terbit : 2020 Tebal : 412 hlm (11 bab) Rating : 4,5/5 🌟 Baca ebook The...

9 Desember 2023

[Review Buku Anak Korea] The Golden Goose by Brother Grimm

Judul Buku : The Golden Goose (Hadiah Keberuntungan dari Kurcaci : Angsa Emas)

Karya asli oleh : Brothers Grimm 

Penulis : Shin Jeong-sook 

Illustrator : Ahn Jae-seon

Tebal : 32 halaman 

Genre : buku anak

Bahasa : Korea 

Rating buku : 5 🌟


4 Desember 2023

[Resensi Buku Komik] Hana-kun The One I Love Volume 5 - Fuyu Kumaoka

Judul buku : Hana-kun The One I Love #5

Judul asli : 花君と恋する私 [Hana-kun to Koisuru Watashi] #5

Penulis : Fuyu Kumaoka

Penerbit : M&C

Terbit : April 2014 

ISBN : 9786022665533

Rating buku : 4/5 🌟

Baca ebook di aplikasi Ipusnas


Langkah Cara Menerjemahkan Buku Bahasa Inggris yang Dipinjam di aplikasi Libby

Pernah nggak sih kamu bingung mau baca novel bahasa inggris, tapi waktu peminjaman di perpustakaan digital/ perpustakaan online (misal : pinjam ebook gratis di aplikasi Libby) sangat singkat, yaitu sekitar 7-14 hari. 

Nah, sedangkan kecepatan membacamu tidak secepat orang yang sudah menguasai bahasa inggris level native. 

Kalau waktu baca bukunya lama, takutnya ada orang yang nungguin di list peminjam buku itu. Apalagi jumlah copyan ebooknya hanya 1 saja per judul buku. 

Nah lhoo... ribet kan? Kasian yang ngantri dong yaa

Jadi, gimana cara baca buku bahasa inggris dengan mudah dan cepat? 

Kalau aku pakai cara ini, tapi aku nggak tahu teman lainnya gimana ya. Soalnya aku juga masih belajar bahasa inggris. Jadi belum jago banget. Hahaha

Kadang ada kosakata bahasa inggris yang belum aku pahami, jadi daripada ribet, mending make tools aja buat nerjemahinnya. 

Yaah... Emang lebih ribet dan rempong sih. Tapi worth it kok buat kamu yang mau cobain cara nerjemahin buku bahasa inggris dengan cepat dan akurat. 

Langkah Cara Menerjemahkan Buku Bahasa Inggris yang Dipinjam di aplikasi Libby : 

1. Buka ebook yang mau dibaca di aplikasi Libby

2. Screenshot setiap halaman dalam 1 bab. Biasanya 1 bab sekitar 5-16 halaman. Tergantung tebal bukunya. 

3. Buka aplikasi Google Lens

4. Buka foto halaman yang mau diterjemahkan. Klik terjemahkan, pilih bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. 

5. Copy paste hasil terjemahan ke google docs.

6. Ulangi cara 1-5 hingga seluruh halaman bukunya habis. 

7. Setelah selesai, baca hasil terjemahan dan bandingkan bahasa Inggrisnya untuk menambah kosakata bahasa Inggrismu. 

8. Hasil terjemahan hanya untuk dibaca sendiri, jadi aku biasanya simpan file terjemahannya (google docs) buat sendiri. 

9. Abis itu, ebooknya langsung aku kembalikan ke perpusnya. Jadi ebooknya bisa dipake pengguna Libby lainnya.

Sejauh ini, aplikasi Libby masih membolehkan pengguna untuk melakukan screenshot. Kalau di aplikasi Kindle malah tulisannya bisa dicopy paste. 

Sebenernya di Libby, bisa aja pake mode terjemahan langsung dari Bing, sayangnya nggak ada pilihan bahasa indonesia. Jadi ya pake manual aja deh yaa. 

Biasanya aku pilih buku anak/novel yang tipis sekitar 150-200 an halaman buat pake cara nerjemahin ini.

Kalau buku anak yang tipis, sekitar 30-40 an halaman, aku nggak perlu make google Lens karena kosakatanya bener-bener masih pemula alias easy english for beginner. Jadi, kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya lebih mudah dipahami, tanpa perlu buka kamus online (translate google/google lens).

Nah, trus ada cara lain buat menerjemahkan buku bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dengan cepat dan mudah lho. Kali ini caranya malah lebih gampang. Tapi ini cuma berlaku buat file ebook versi pdf ya. Bukan file mobi atau epub ya.

Cara Menerjemahkan Ebook Bahasa Inggris Pakai Google Translate Document : 

1. Buka  link ini https://www.ilovepdf.com/id/memisahkan-pdf untuk memisahkan file pdf menjadi beberapa bagian. 

Aku biasanya pisahin per 40 atau 50 halaman. Jadi misal ada 200 halaman dalam 1 buku, maka pdfnya akan terpisah menjadi 4 bagian pdf dengan halaman yang berurutan. 

Misal : file 1 jadi halaman 1-50, file 2 isinya halaman 51-100, dst. 

Ekstrak file dan buat folder baru agar tidak tercampur file lain.

2. Buka link Google Terjemahan untuk dokumen

3. Klik setiap file ebook bahasa Inggris yang sudah dipisah sebelumnya. Lalu klik terjemahkan. Hasil terjemahan akan muncul di bawah link. 

4. Klik download terjemahan. Hasil file terjemahan dalam bentuk pdf.

5. Lakukan hingga file habis diterjemahkan satu per satu. 

6. Klik link ini  Gabungkan File PDF Online untuk menggabungkan file pdf hasil terjemahan sebelumnya. 

Misal ada 4 file yang sudah diterjemahkan. Klik satu per satu, masukan ke link tadi, baru klik gabungkan pdf. 

Hasilnya, ebook terjemahan sudah menjadi 1 file pdf yang utuh. 

7. Selesai deh. ❤️

File yang terpisah sebelumnya (hasil pecahan pdf bahasa inggris dan hasil terjemahan Google) yang ada 4 file itu, bisa dihapus jika sudah tidak diperlukan. 

Jadi, file yang dipegang adalah ebook yang sudah disatukan saja. Udah deh, tinggal baca terjemahannya aja. 

Gampang, kan? 😛

Kalau keliatan ribet, nggak juga lhooo. Sebenernya cara ini nggak rempong amat, dibanding kalau kita nerjemahin manual. Hehe. 

Hmmm... Emang sih hasil terjemahannya belum tentu luwes dan mudah dipahami. Tapi nanti bisa kita koreksi setelah baca ulang file terjemahan dan membandingkan bahasa aslinya, yang versi bahasa Inggris.

Kalau ada tools untuk menerjemahkan ebook bahasa inggris yang lebih mudah dan cepat, plus gratis pulaa, why not? Haha 😂 

Yups... soalnya ini beneran tools buat terjemahin ebook bahasa inggris yang free dan cepet banget. Cuma hitungan menit doang. Nggak ada 10 menit deh seingetku. Tinggal klak klik klak klik doang. Langsung jadi. Walo kadang tampilan file pdf-nya nggak rapi amat, tapi overall... aku puas sama hasil terjemahannya. ❤️

Nah, selamat mencoba yaa! 🥰

2 Desember 2023

[Resensi Buku Anak] A Friend for Henry - Jenn Bailey

Judul Buku : A Friend for Henry (Teman untuk Henry)

Penulis : Jenn Bailey

Illustrator : Mika Song

Lama baca : 4 menit

Bahasa : Inggris

Tebal : 36 halaman

Genre : buku anak (pictorial book)

Baca ebook di aplikasi Libby

Rating buku : 4/5 🌟


30 November 2023

[Resensi Buku Anak] No, David! By David Shannon

Judul Buku : No, David! 

Penulis Buku : David Shannon

Penerbit : The Blue Sky Press

Terbit : 1998 

Tebal : 38 halaman

Genre : buku anak / pictorial book

ISBN : 978-1-336-113198 

Lama baca : 5 menit

Rating buku : 5 🌟

Baca ebook di Libby (pakai ecard British Council Library)


[Review Buku] Cerita Rakyat Nusantara - Cindelaras

Cerita rakyat Cindelaras

Judul Buku : Cerita Rakyat Nusantara - Cindelaras

Penulis : Redaksi MWI

Penerbit : SKYLAR

Terbit : edisi digital, 2023

Tebal : 26 halaman 

Rating : 4/5 🌟

Baca ebook di aplikasi Ipusnas


Wisdom and Lessons from Paulo Coelho's Book "The Alchemist": A Journey of Self-Discovery

Wisdom and Lessons from Paulo Coelho's Book "The Alchemist": A Journey of Self-Discovery

Paulo Coelho's Book "The Alchemist" has transcended the boundaries of a novel, becoming a guide to life for countless readers around the globe. This masterpiece weaves a narrative of adventure, self-discovery, and spiritual enlightenment. 

In this article, i delve into the profound wisdom and essential lessons that readers can glean from this iconic work.

28 November 2023

Cara Beli Ebook Bahasa Inggris Pakai Amazon Gift Card di Amazon.com

Kamu pengen beli buku bahasa Inggris murah, tapi bingung beli di toko buku mana? Coba deh kamu beli ebook bahasa Inggris di amazon.com. 

Yups…beli ebook bahasa Inggris memang jauh lebih mudah dan hemat, dibanding beli buku fisik. Soalnya, kalau beli buku cetak dari luar negeri, kita harus membayar tax bea cukai, jika barang dikirim ke rumah.

Di situs Amazon.com, kita bisa beli ebook dengan harga mulai dari 0,99 dollar bahkan bisa juga dapat gratis karena ada kindle free ebook yang bisa dibeli dengan satu klik saja. 

Oh ya, aku beli ebook di Amazon pakai Amazon gift card. Ini tuh semacam kartu hadiah yang berisi saldo untuk berbelanja di Amazon. 

Aku dapat gift card Amazon dari hadiah survei yang diadakan oleh LTI Korea. Nah, adminnya ngasih saldo 20 dollar dalam gift card Amazon. Jadi kodenya tinggal di redeem aja. 

Cara redeem Amazon Gift Card di Web Amazon.com: 

  1. Klik tombol dalam email berisi amazon gift card yang dikirim ke kamu. Emailnya akan mengarah ke web amazon. 
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Trus, aku beli ebook bahasa Inggris apa aja? 

Wah, banyak banget novel yang aku beli. Hehe

Awalnya aku bingung mau beli ebook apa. Tapi kalo saldonya nggak dipake juga bingung nih mau buat apaan. Jadi ya udah, emang jatah buat dibeliin ebook ya. Yowes aku beli ebook yang aku minati aja. Hehe

Aku beli ebook yang kisaran harganya terjangkau. Harga per judul sekitar 0,99$ - 2,99$. Aku lupa berapa nominal per item. Karena di invoice yang dikirim ke emailku tuh… cuma ada kode-kode doang sama harga, nggak ada judul bukunya. Jadi keknya harus cek sendiri di dasbor akun Amazon buat lihat history belanjanya. 

Dari saldo 20$ yang di redeem, sisa cuma 0.08$ 🤣 Keknya kalo urusan ngabisin saldo aku juaranya. Wkwk. *ya Allah abis ini kasih aku lagi saldo Amazon gift card yang banyak yaaa. Haha*

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Jumlah ebook Ini belum termasuk ebook yang aku udah punya dan ebook bawaan dari penjual Kindle sebelumnya. 

Aku dikasih sekitar 100 an judul ebook gratis yang dimasukin ke Kindle Basic 7 yang aku beli (dulu beli Kindle preloved harganya sekitar 450rb an lah ya)

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  8. Flawless - Elsie Silver
  9. The Cruise - Charles James
  10. Sweet Bean Paste - Durian Sukagawa
  11. The Promise Tree - Elisabeth J. Hobbes
  12. The Tanglewood Tea Shop - Lilac Mills 
  13. The Tanglewood Flower Shop - Lilac Mills 
  14. The Cottage in the Highlands - Julie Shackman 
  15. The Highland Lodge Getaway - Julie Shackman 
  16. Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop - Rebecca Raisin 

Kalau yang pakai gift card Amazon ini kamu bisa beli ebooknya eceran atau series (bundling). Asal jumlah saldonya cukup sih, nggak masalah. Hehe. 

Kalo saldo gift cardnya kurang, sisanya bisa bayar pakai kartu kredit/debit lho. Gampang, kan? 

Kindle Deals Ebook :  Harga Ebook Murah, Mulai 0,99$/ ebook

Btw, setiap hari ada kindle deals yang ditawarkan ke pembaca Kindle. Jadi kalo kamu minat, kamu bisa beli ebooknya di web amazon.com/ebook ya. Soalnya nggak bisa beli via aplikasi. Hanya bisa via websitenya aja. 

Hmmm…. Mungkin cara ini buat menghindari salah klik yang dilakukan pembeli kali ya. Soalnya layar di Kindle itu sensitif sama sentuhan, jadi gampang klak klik klak klik. 

Kalo salah pencet terus komplain ke CS Amazon kan bahaya. Nambahin beban kerja karyawannya aja. Wkwk. Tapi kalo beli di web kan lebih jelas kelihatan gambarnya warna warni, dan harganya berapa. Mau menulis kode kartu kredit, debit, atau pake gift card juga lebih kelihatan jelas. 

Gimana cara cari buku bagus di Amazon.com? 

Search aja judul ebook pakai keyword ini ya : kindle ebook deals today, kindle ebook deals 0,99$, editor’s picks, teacher’s picks, goodreads choice, new york times best seller, best seller book month, dll. 

Kindle Unlimited : Cuma Bayar Langganan 11,99$/ bulan, Akses Buku Terbaik Amazon Lebih Banyak! 

Oh iya, kalau kamu mau lebih hemat juga bisa langganan Kindle Unlimited atau Prime. Tapi aku belum pernah coba yang Prime. 

Yang Kindle Unlimited aku pernah coba pake akun penjual di Shopee. Bayarnya sih sekitar 45rb/bulan. Kalau langganan 3 bulan sekitar 120rb an.

Hmmm…. Tapi kalau langganan sendiri dengan bayar pakai kartu sendiri nggak bisa ya. Soalnya alamat kita kan di Indonesia. 

Kindle Unlimited hanya berlaku untuk pembaca dari US aja. Huhu. Emang ya, diskriminasi banget. Hahaha. Padahal kan enak kalo bacanya lebih hemat. Ya, kan? 

Biaya langganan Kindle Unlimited tuh… sekitar 11,99 $/bulan. Kamu bisa akses 20 buku yang ada label Kindle Unlimited. Tapi gimana dooong. Masa harus ngarang alamat rumah di US sih buat akses unlimited? Huhu 😭

Nah, kalau kamu gimana? Tertarik buat beli ebook di Amazon Kindle?  Share dong di komentar~ ❤️

[Book Review] Fairy Tale Thumbelina by HC Andersen

Thumbelina flower pixie

Sinopsis Thumbelina : 

Guide to early childhood development hidden in masterpiece fairy tales

Thumbelina, born in a flower, goes through many things.

She realizes that she is a flower fairy.

I found my own identity.

Like Thumbelina, children go through many conflicts and anxieties to find a stable identity. Although it is a difficult process, it is also an opportunity for psychological growth. Thumbelina is a story that helps children find their identity.

Fairy Tale Thumbelina : 

There was an old woman who lived alone and lonely. My grandmother always thought it would be nice to have a child. 

One night, a fairy came by and gave the grandmother a flower seed. 

“Plant these flower seeds and grow them well.”

Grandma planted flower seeds in a flower pot and placed them in a sunny window.

I took good care of it, giving it plenty of water every day.

The flower has finally bloomed.

When the grandmother looked closely, she saw a girl sleeping peacefully inside the flower.

The grandmother was very happy to have a beautiful girl.

This child is as big as a thumb, so we should call her Thumbelina.

Thumbelina slept every night in a bed made of walnut shells.

Then one night it happened.

A toad jumped in.

Wow, she’s such a pretty girl. We should marry her to our son.

The toad secretly carried the sleeping Thumbelina.

The next morning, Thumbelina woke up with a surprise. I looked here and there, but there was only water all around, and there was only a bed on top of water lily leaves.

“Grandma, where are you?”

While Thumbelina was sobbing, a creepy-looking toad came running. “Hello! Did you sleep well? We’re getting married today. I’ll come pick you up in a little while.”

Thumbelina was scared and cried. The fish heard the sound and gathered together. 

"Help. I don’t want to marry a toad.”

The fish felt sorry for Thumbelina.

So I cut off the water lily stem with my mouth.

“Goodbye. Please be happy!”

Thumbelina, riding on a lily pad, drifted along with the current. But suddenly a beetle flew out.

Hahaha, she’s a cute girl. I’ll make her my maid. Everyone will be jealous, right?

The scarab took Thumbelina to her friends.

“How are you, my bride? Are you pretty?”

“Egyekye, it only has two legs and no whiskers or antennae.”

Scarab got angry when his friends teased him.

So I left Thumbelina behind.

It flew away with a purr.

Thumbelina wandered through the forest alone. I was so hungry and exhausted that I felt like I was going to collapse.

“Oh my! What can I do with this?"

“Would you like to come to my house with me?”

A field mouse who was passing through the forest looked at Thumbelina and said.

The field mouse’s house was in the ground. A mole who lived next door came to visit and fell in love with Thumbelina at first sight.

“She’s such a pretty girl. I want to marry her.”

Thumbelina's heart sank.

“Mr. Mole is very kind and rich.” 

The field mouse praised her earnestly, but Thumbelina did not want to marry the mole. If you marry a mole, you have to live underground. Thumbelina came out.

How can I live without seeing this beautiful sunlight?

Thumbelina was wandering through the forest and came across a swallow that had collapsed with a damaged wing.

“Oh my! It must hurt a lot.”

Thumbelina tore off her apron and bandaged the swallow's wounds.

Read this : [Book Review - Fairy Tale from Swedish] The Boy Who Visited The North Wind

The next day, and the day after that, Thumbelina went to the swallow.

A few days later, the swallow's wounds healed completely. I was able to fly in the sky again.

“Miss, would you like to come with me?

“I am on my way to the land of flowers.”

“But I have to go back home to my grandmother. I miss her.”

“If I go to the Land of Flowers, I might be able to find out how to return home.” 

Thumbelina went to the Land of Flowers with the swallow.

The land of flowers was very beautiful. A variety of colorful flowers were in full bloom.

“Welcome, Thumbelina.

“Actually, you are a flower fairy,” said the Prince of the Land of Flowers as he welcomed Thumbelina.

I sent you as a flower seed to make my lonely grandmother happy.

Thumbelina wrote a letter to her grandmother.

'Don't worry, Grandma, Thumbelina is living happily in the land of flowers!'

The swallow delivered a letter to grandmother.

I also sent flower seeds with pretty flowers. This is a gift from the flower fairy Thumbelina to her grandmother.

Thumbelina - Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen : 

Thumbelina is a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1873), the eternal friend of children. 

Bolstoy read the fairy tale written by Andersen and said, "Andersen must have been a scary person. Otherwise, how could he hear the sound of flowers whispering in the middle of the night?" “Can you do it?”

Andersen, who had rich emotions and talent, was loved by many, but he did not get along well with people. 

He couldn't get close to poor people in similar situations, and he couldn't break through the cold wall of upper society, which somehow discriminated against him. 

Maybe it was because he lived a solitary life that he was able to write such wonderful fairy tales.

By reading Thumbelina, we can see how Andersen viewed the world. It is that if you endure and overcome hardships, good things will come. 

Thumbelina is also the image of a child who does not yet know the world and does not know what to do. But it shows that even if difficulties come, if you do your best and persevere without giving up hope, you can eventually find happiness.

What was it like meeting Thumbelina?

After you finish reading the fairy tale, just don't put it on. I'm not finished reading the book yet. It is said that the person who reads the picture book determines the value of the picture book. Also, the story shared with mom and dad after reading the book makes the child like reading more and makes the child feel that it is something special. 

Think about the contents of the fairy tale and share it with your child. Switch to the way you speak to your child and ask questions naturally. You will be able to see more into the kind hearts of your children.

1. What was your grandmother’s wish if she lived alone?

2. Talk about how your grandmother felt when Thumbelina was born.

3 Who helped Thumbelina as she searched for her home?

4 How was Thumbelina able to go to the land of flowers?

5. What is your earnest wish?

It is important to realize the lessons planted in spiritual circles and to discuss your feelings and thoughts with your parents. Rather than asking the child one-sidedly, “Mom thinks this, are you a mother?” 

Let's lead the conversation. Even if your child can't answer easily and is a neighbor, don't press him.

Go through the book with your child again, carefully. Little by little, your child will learn how to count and express himself.

22 November 2023

[Resensi Buku Dongeng Anak] Shy Willow by Cat Min

Judul Buku : Shy Willow

Penulis : Cat Min

Penerbit : Levine Querido

Terbit : edisi digital, 2021

Tebal : 48 halaman 

Lama baca : 6 menit

Download ebook Shy Willow by Cat Min di aplikasi Libby 

Pinjam pakai ecard Malaysia National Library


19 November 2023

Resensi Buku The One You Love - Astrid Zeng

Judul Buku : The One You Love
Penulis : Astrid Zeng
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Terbit : 2023, edisi digital
Tebal : 324 halaman 
ISBN : 9786020673226
Genre : romance, rumah tangga
Rating : 3,8/5 🌟

Download ebook The One You Love - Astrid Zeng di aplikasi Gramedia Digital


16 November 2023

[Book Review - Fairy Tale from Swedish] The Boy Who Visited The North Wind

The Boy Who Visited The North Wind

[Fairy Tale from Swedish] The Boy Who Visited The North Wind

Once upon a time, there lived a boy.

The boy's family was poor, but he lived happily with his parents.

But since when did the boy and his mother look out the window every day?

A long time ago, I went out on a boat to catch herring.

It was because my father didn't come back.

The boy desperately wanted his father to return.

When my father was around, we always had an abundance of salted herring, but now we're all gone. We also ran out of corn flour.

The boy and his mother decided to sell their only sheep. 

I didn't want to sell the sheep that I had become so attached to as family, but I had no choice to buy food.

The boy said to the sheep.

“I’ll be sure to pick you up when my father comes back.”

“Buy, sell…………..”

The sheep cried quietly as if it knew the boy's feelings.

The boy sold the sheep to a farm that needed wool.

And I asked the farm owner several times to take good care of the sheep until I came to retrieve them.

The boy and his mother sold the sheep and bought salted herring and cornmeal with the money they received. 

I always kept it in a cool food storage room. If you leave it there, it won't spoil. 

The boy went in and out of the warehouse instead of his mother, who was weak. 

“Herring and cornmeal are becoming scarce."

"Ah, father will always come.”

“Mom, when will dad come?”

My mother sighed and said.

It’s the first time the north wind has been this calm. If the north wind doesn’t blow, the ship can’t move. Hey, if only the north wind blows…………….

The boy said with sparkling eyes.

If only the north wind blows, will your father come back?

Then I will go find the North Wind.

Although his mother tried to stop him, the boy courageously left home.

The boy kept walking and walking, leaving small footprints on the snow.

The boy walked a long way and finally met the North Wind.

Hello, Mr. North Wind? Why isn’t there any wind?

They say that if the wind doesn't blow, my father won't come back.


Mr. North Wind, Please bring some wind. 

“Yes?” North Wind sighed.

I need a magic wand to use my powers. But Yellow Mustache stole the magic wand.

Huh? Who is Yellow Mustache?

He is the greatest thief in the world.

The boy sat down in disappointment.

Then the North Wind can chase after you and come back.

 The North Wind sighed again.

I can’t move as I want without a magic wand.


The boy thought for a moment and said.

Great. I’ll get the magic wand.

The boy is looking for a yellow mustache

I walked gently along the snow-covered road.

There was no north wind, so it wasn't that cold.

However, because he was worried about his mother who was waiting anxiously at home, the boy walked even more diligently.

But then I heard a whining sound from far away.

The boy carefully approached the direction of the sound.

A baby reindeer was caught in a trap and crying.

The mother reindeer and father reindeer were restless and circling around the baby reindeer.

The boy ran and quickly set the trap and released the baby reindeer.

Father Reindeer said to the boy.

Thank you so much for saving my baby.”

“I’m glad you weren’t hurt too much."

“By the way, do you know where the yellow mustache is?”

Surprisingly, Papa Reindeer nodded.

You did really well.

Can you take me to Yellow Mustache?

Ah, I put the boy on my back and ran as fast as the wind.

It’s the little house you see over there.

As soon as I whistle, I’ll come running.

The boy knocked on the door of the small house.

Knock knock knock!”

A rough-looking yellow mustache stuck out his head.

“I’m lost. I’m so cold and hungry that I feel like I’m going to faint. Please let me stay for one night. mister."

Yellow Mustache shook his head.

Nonsense! I just can’t put it down!”

The boy put his hands together and asked.

“Please, please.

“In return, I will clean your house.”

I thought about the yellow mustache for a moment.

“Okay. We need to prepare some food.”

The boy prepared dinner for Yellow Mustache.

I cleaned the house thoroughly.

After eating his fill, Yellow Mustache felt a little better.

This is really annoying.

If I let you sleep overnight, it won’t be a big deal.

Yellow Mustache took a peek into the room where the boy was sleeping.

The boy was sleeping soundly.

You sleep without knowing anything about the world. Still, you have to be careful.


Yellow Mustache couldn't relax.

So I took a big bag and I quietly went to the barn.

The sack was full of stolen treasure.

Of course, there was a magic wand.

Yellow Mustache lifted the pyre and hid the sack.

Then, we covered it with firewood.

If you do this, no one will find you, right? Hahaha!

Yellow Mustache went out to steal.

Actually, the boy didn't sleep.

I pretended to be asleep and slowly opened my eyes.

The boy saw Yellow Mustache pass by the door.

I secretly followed him.

When he saw that Yellow Mustache had gone out, he searched the pyre and quickly found the magic wand. Let the boy whistle 'whistle'.

Dad’s reindeer came running.

When Yellow Mustache came back in a huff, startled by the sound of the whistle, the father's reindeer carrying the boy had already run away.

The North Wind was so happy to get his magic wand back that he didn't know what to do.

Thank you. Thank you! I never thought you would find a magic wand... I will find your father right away and bring him back.

Don’t worry, go back home.

The boy went home happy.

When I got home, my father had already returned and was waiting for the boy.

Ah, father!”

The boy hugged his father and cried.

We were caught by a typhoon and were carried a very far away, but the wind suddenly stopped.

I finally came back because the thankful wind blew again.

After that, the boy lived happily with his parents for a long time, and of course the sheep came back.

Never again did the north wind not blow for so long.


Book Review : 

It's a story about a brave and clever boy. When his father didn't return from his boat, the boy set out to find the north wind. Because his mother said that his father couldn't return because the north wind didn't blow and the boat couldn't move. 

The boy who met the north wind Yellow Mustache steals the North Wind's magic wand and discovers that he cannot create wind. So on his way back to Yellow Mustache, he accidentally saves a baby reindeer and retrieves the magic wand with the help of Father Reindeer. 

Of course, the North Wind was able to catch up again, and the boy's father was able to return as well. 

Sweden is a country with long, cold winters. In addition, there is only snow and wind in winter, and the sun can only be seen for three or four hours until midday. So the harsh north wind can be felt as a natural disaster to the Swedes. 

However, the Swedish people accepted the north wind as a very familiar, helpful, and indispensable natural phenomenon. Like moving a boat to take a boy's father. 

Another lesson from this story is to think positively by turning disadvantages into advantages like Swedish people do.

The boy in this story sets out to find his father and courageously solves problems proactively. He also has a kind heart and saves a baby tree that is in trouble. 

Tell me about a time you experienced something difficult and how you solved it. Also, talk about this boy's courage.


Activity - Ask your child : 

1) Why did the boy have to sell the sheep?

2) Why did the boy go to see Mr. North Wind?

3) Why was the North Wind quiet?

4) Who did the boy save when he went looking for the yellow mustache?

5) Where did Yellow Mustache hide the sack of treasure?

6) How was the boy's father able to return home?


World Traditional Fairy Tales - Swedish 

Title : The Boy Who Visited The North Wind

Author: Bae Ik-cheon

Illustrator: Noh Seong-bin

Date Publish : 2004

Page : 35 

ISBN: 9788979590166

Genre: Korean picture book

Price: 6000 won

Rating : 5 🌟

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